Top ten reason to root your android phone

*first what is root ?
Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as "root access") within Androids sub-system.
*so lets dive in and see whats the benefits of rooting your device:
10-Unlock hidden features and install Incompatible apps:
so you may came across alot of apps where playstore says thats incompatible eaither blocked by your carrier or..your phone cant run it ??it may actually can..root gives you the power to install those apps..why not giving it a shot..
9-Automate everything:
self explanatory...Apps like Tasker requires root to do things like toggling 3g,Gps,change cpu speed and other things like this..
8-boost device speed and longer battery life:
well it can be done without root, but root gives you that extra power,for exmaple SetCpu or greenify can come in handy.
7-block any ads in any app:
Offcourse you hate those annoying ads that pops up every minute disturbing you whatever youre doing..with root you can get rid of that with apps like AdBlock Plus..
6-Backup your phone:
when you decide to flush a new rom, roll back to stock or format your device for any reason,you can save your apps, contacts,messages and everything on your phone for afterFormat or flushing.
5-Remove preinstalled Bloatware:
yeah, those apps that stick in your phone forever without you being able to delete them,with root you can delete them if you never use them..
4-customize your device:
if youre that kind of person that really likes changing then this is for can customize keyboard,get extra themes, improve multitasking and a lot more youll discover by yourself.
3-flash a custom kernel:
better performance,longer battery life,extra wifi tethering(on unsupported phone) and a lot more believe me ..
2-flash a custom Rom:
so youre done of that official rom thingy and ready for some change? root gives you that ability..Cyanogenmod are the best for me..
1-own your device for real:
In the end, all of this boils down to one thing: you own your device, and you should be able to do with it as you please. Certain manufacturers and carriers try to keep that from happening, but with root access, you truly own your device and open yourself up to all the possibilities other parties try to block.
So why not to root? dont worry im always here to help..any question? drop it here in the comments below and soon there will be tutorials on how to root some of the phones so stay tuned.PEACE