Friday, April 20, 2018

Test your Site on Safe Browsing Site Status

Test your Site on Safe Browsing Site Status

Google Safe Browsing Report

Couple of days ago, I noticed a sudden fall in my sites traffic. It was not clear why Marks PC is experiencing a decreasing traffic. Later I discovered a harmful content in my site. Thats why Google Chrome was stopping visitors to enter my site. Then I fixed the issue with the  help of Google Safe Browsing and Webmaster Tools. In this post, Im gonna share my experience with you . . .

Warning Message from Google Chrome

About Safe Browsing Site Status

Safe browsing site status is a part of Google Transparency Report. Everyday it collects and examines billions of URLs to find out harmful contents on those websites. If a site is safe to surf then its okay. 

But if harmful contents are found, Google enlists the sites in blacklist. And Chrome browser shows warnings to the visitors. 

Check your Site

You can check any site on Safe Browsing Site Status. It maybe your own site or any other site you visit often. So, what are you waiting for? Lets check a site on Google Safe Browsing Site Status . . .

Follow the URL below - 

Safe Browsing Site Status

Then you will get following view - 

Google Safe Browsing Report

Here you can see a search box named Status of. In this box, you will enter the link of your desired website. As soon as you hit the search button, you will see the current status. If the site is okay, you will see - Not Dangerous

If any malicious contents are found, you will see the status like dangerous or harmful

Taking Actions

If youre a site owner and find your site dangerous, dont delay a second. Immediately go to the Google Webmaster and sign in there. There you will get a message for critical issues. 

Sometimes you may know what is the problem exactly. Then fix it and inform the Google Webmaster that necessary actions have been made. Then you will request a review for your site.

If youre not sure about the problem, then talk to the experts. Or sometimes this problem might be caused by harmful ads shown on your site. In that case, you need to talk to the Advertisers. 

And never avoid this issue. If you avoid it, then your traffic will fall dramatically. And you will lose revenues. 

After taking corrective actions, Google will review your site. Within few hours (not more than 48 hours) Google will update your security status. 

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