Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Batlogger M From Elekon Has Arrived!

The Batlogger M From Elekon Has Arrived!

The Batlogger M From Elekon AG (Switzerland) is here!   ...Just a short post (for now)...

Now, this is a Bat Detector! What a fantastic package. It currently comes standard with:
  • A Kingston 16GB (Class 10) memory card.
  • Power adapter for charging the built-in, high performance, Lithium battery.
  • Sennheiser earphone set, with accessories and carry case.
  • A high-quality microphone (the mic is also replaceable). 
  • A nice, sturdy, black plastic carry case - The case is foam-lined; and keeps the Batlogger and its accessories safe.

The kit was sent to me, to be tested and reviewed, directly from Elekon (in Switzerland) via UPS Overnight! Wow! It arrived quickly.
In any case, Id like to take this opportunity to point out a few things: This kit may be a little more expensive than some others that are currently out there - But, its easy to see: That what you are investing in, is a very high quality product. The old adage is certainly true here - "You get what you pay for" This unit has already been proven, to be much more effective than both the SM2BAT+ and the AnaBat SD2 (and not by me). I havent started to seriously test it, yet!

Have a look, at this beautiful Batlogger M kit: 

Im very excited about reviewing this machine! This bat detector has it all; with each recording it can log: Location (via built-in GPS), Time, Frequency and Temperature. Add a handheld Anemometer (to record wind speed) and a Tally Counter - And, you have everything needed to perform Professional Research and Bat Surveys.
A complete system, in a small carry case!

(As a reminder: My blog can be easily translated into any language now. See the Google Translator on the upper right-hand side of the main page.

Happy bat detecting!

visit link download

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