The Construction of Houses
The Construction of Houses

1 Introduction 1
2 Sustainability 13
3 Foundations 23
4 External masonry loadbearing walls 47
5 Ground ?oors 89
6 Upper ?oors 105
7 Roof structure 135
8 Roof coverings 163
9 Partitions 199
10 Plastering and dry-lining 211
11 Decoration 229
12 External rendering 237
13 System housing: timber-frame 251
14 System housing: concrete and steel 269
15 Windows, doors and stairs 283
16 Thermal insulation and condensation 309
17 Cold water supply 331
18 Hot water supply 345
19 Space heating 361
20 Ventilation 387
21 Drainage 395
22 Electrical installations 421
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