Is picking up items delayed for you? discussion yeah i've noticed the same, i need to pause and click slowly to pick up items after parachuting, but it looks like shroud just click-drags a gun and 3 sets of ammo as fast as he can its a shame, pubg is an amazing game with in my opinion the best gun mechanics of all time and to see it. Pubg picking up items. Xbox pubg how to drop/pick up amonts fast and how to maximize invintory space pubg xbox / ps4 top tips - 10 more pro tips to help you get better at pubg! - duration: 8:52 harviesgg.
pubg picking up items
When i play pubg, it takes like a full second between each item pick up streamers like shroud specifically can pick up like 4 items in the time i pick up one he clicks and drags and immediately gets the item its like the game allows shroud to pick up 4 items a second, but i can only pick up one idk.
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