The Tourist Mecca of the World Bangladesh Dream vs Reality

The mother nature has given Bangladesh many of its unique gifts quite bountifully and few of the those are: Bangladesh is the only country in the world having six distinctive seasons, it owns the world�s longest natural sea beach, the globe�s largest mangrove forest and also the world�s most exciting seashore on earth from where one can see both sunrise and sunset.

Having all such exciting places on earth in one country --Bangladesh should have been the tourist Mecca of the world. But in reality it is not, only due to lack of the country�s positive branding in the era of information technology when the whole world is in one�s fingertips.
Lack of positive campaign necessary for the country branding and also lack of awareness too about what �unique resources we have� among the general people and also the people in power and policymakers kept the country known as land of disasters, poverty and fire tragedies in its factories.

The people in power and the government machinery blamed for the negative branding across the world and the country image could still easily be changed through meticulous campaign planning using the all powerful information tools �Internet and information and communication technology and also online media. And the positive campaign and country branding should be launched immediately as still the negative headlines like garments factory disasters and factory fire incidents are ravaging the country image. But against the backdrop of Rana Plaza disaster and media focus on Bangladesh, the campaign for country branding efforts could help change the image of Bangladesh as the most industrious nation where women empowerment is visible everywhere as the country is virtually ruled by the womenfolk and it is the most progressive nation in South Asia region despite its majority Muslim populace.
Now the people in power must have to care much about propagating those things for positive country branding of Bangladesh to bring globetrotters to explore the big bowl of Eco-tourism thriving with all its resources, tradition and rich cultural heritage and hospitality as well to greet global tourists with open arms.