Friday, April 27, 2018

The Next Device To Be Reviewed The Olympus LS 100

The Next Device To Be Reviewed The Olympus LS 100

The next "bat detector" Ill be reviewing, is actually...a digital recorder :)
Its the New Olympus LS-100 PCM Recorder.
I expect the device to arrive within a few days. So, Ill be testing it soon, and reviewing it shortly. Now, of course I will put this device "through its paces" and post a full review here on the blog. The question of how well it performs, when connected to bat detectors will be the main topic.

In addition, Ill also test its performance when recording the ultrasound/near-ultrasound calls of singing insects. 
Ill also be submitting a review to the Wildlife Sound Recording Society  to be published in the WSRS Journal. Ive also just renewed my subscription :)

Nature sound recording is a very interesting hobby; in and of itself!

Happy sound recording!

visit link download

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