Add picture and information in your system properties Checked in windows XP
This is not any important things. It is a tips for customizing system properties. In this tune i am going to discuss how to add your own picture and some basic information (name, address, phone no. etc) in your system properties. You can change this any time if you want. You can also remove it permanently when you want. It is a process of making different to other. Now i will show you that how to add your own picture and information in your system properties. Ok lets follow the instruction.
Files need to be downloaded:-
1. oeminfo.ini
2. oemlogo.bmp
Password:- jabadbd24
1. Download all files
note: extract the zip file to get oeminfo.ini
note: extract the zip file to get oeminfo.ini
2. Copy the oeminfo.ini and oeminfo.bmp
3. Now go to your SystemRoot (C:/Windows/system32 )
4. Then paste them in system32
note: This is my informations and my photo. To change it follow the next steps

5. Click right button on oeminfo.ini
6. Select edit
7. Then change Manufacturer, Line2, Line3
8. After changing informations save it
9. Now open your photo which one you want to add in your system properties
10. Save it in bmp format
note: You can use photoshop for make bmp image
11. Now rename it oemlogo.bmp
12. Then select both files and follow the step #2 #3 and #4
13. Now change and enjoy
Finally, Problem solved!
Now you can add your own picture and information in your system properties!
If there any problem, dont hesitate to contact me