Saturday, April 14, 2018

Activate Windows 10

Activate Windows 10

Windows 10 Forums
 Windows 10 Product Keys:
To activate Windows 10, you will need the product key provided by Microsoft below for the edition of Windows preview you installed.

Windows 10 Technical Preview build 10041: NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR
Windows 10 Technical Preview build 10074: 6P99N-YF42M-TPGBG-9VMJP-YKHCF Windows 10 
Enterprise Insider Preview build 10074 and 10122: VTNMT-2FMYP-QCY43-QR9VK-WTVCK
  • Option One: To Activate Windows 10 in Settings
  • Option Two: To Activate Windows 10 in Command Prompt

EXAMPLE: "Windows isnt activated" message in Settings
Activate Windows 10-settings-windows_isnt_activated.png

Activate Windows 10 OPTION ONE Activate Windows 10
To Activate Windows 10 in Settings

1. Open Settings, and click/tap on the Windows isnt activated. Activate Windows now. link at the bottom.

Activate Windows 10-settings-windows_isnt_activated.png

2. Click/tap on the Activate button (if available) to see if Windows may activate online with the currently installed product key. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-1-activate_windows_10.png

3. If Windows was successfully activated, then go to step 9 below.

4. If Windows cant activate, then click/tap on the Enter key button. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-2-activate_windows_10.png

5. If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes.

6. Enter the 25 digit product key number from the top of this tutorial for the edition of Windows 10 preview you have installed. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-3_activate_windows_10.png

7. Click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-4_activate_windows_10.png

8. If Windows was successfully activated, then click/tap on Close. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-5_activate_windows_10.png

9. You can now close Settings if you like.

Activate Windows 10 OPTION TWO Activate Windows 10
To Activate Windows 10 in Command Prompt

1. Open an elevated command prompt.

2. In the command prompt, type the command below, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

slmgr /ipk product key number

Note   Note
Substitute product key number in the command above with the actual 25 digit with dashes product key number from the top of this tutorial for the edition of Windows 10 preview you have installed.

For example: slmgr /ipk VTNMT-2FMYP-QCY43-QR9VK-WTVCK

Activate Windows 10-1-activate_windows_10_command.png

3. If successful, Windows will now be activated with the entered product key. Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)

Activate Windows 10-2-activate_windows_10_command.png

4. You can now close the command prompt if you like.

Thats it,
Windows 10 Forums

visit link download

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