About Shortcut Keys
I hope this �short cut keys� will help in your work (assignment or thesis), though some of us might already known, but I intent it�s for who doesn�t know about this.

Edited by mawia hidden
CTRL+A (Select all)
CTRL+C (Copy)
CTRL+X (Cut)
CTRL+V (Paste)
CTRL+Z (Undo)
DELETE (Delete) (we already know)
SHIFT+DELETE (direct delete even from recylbin )
F2 key (to change file name) (Right click > rename)
F3 key (to search folder same as Ctrl+F on Firefox )
ALT+ENTER (to know file properties) (right click > properties)
ALT+F4 (to close file whatever we open)
ALT+SPACE-BAR (to see shortcut menu on which we are using)
ALT+TAB (to jump file from one to another)
ALT+ESC ( same with ALT+TAB)
SHIFT+F10 (to see menu bar)
ALT ( to do short cut way)
SHIFT ( to Auto Play our VCD or DVD which we insert )
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (to open Task Manager)
if you do not know how to download this PDF file from minus.com see down picture.

Download File (241.5 KB)
Sourse : decembermgmg