A320 JarDesign 2 7 X Plane 10
A320 JarDesign 2.7 X-Plane 10
3D: Perfect external 3D model with 2012 sharklet design and classic wingtips design, CFM56 engines, highly- detailed landing gear, advanced 3D-cockpit, 3D-cabin, 3D cockpit and external lights, ground vehicles with side menu managing � tow truck, catering truck, boarding ramp, GPU, camera shake effect, Dynamic Rain effect.
Flight controls: Fly-by-wire system with ground mode, normal mode, flare mode, FBW Protections.
FADEC: CFM56 Airbus logic with manual and auto throttle mode, FLX Temp selection, engine limit protection, automatic engine start, power management, engine data for cockpit indications, engine condition parameters, thrust reversers control, fuel X-feed/Cross feed control.
FMGS: Basic lateral and vertical navigation with a320 style MCDU, single flight plan operation, SID/STAR and transition reading, icao-format flightplan for co-route (�Routefinder�-compatible), time and fuel prediction, altitude constrains, HOLD function.
Automatic Flight System: Full FCU control and PFD indicates either managed or selected modes, CAT3 auto land, ILS and NPA approaches available.
Sound features: Emulated FO�s voice (FCOM based / normal procedures announcements), emulated FA�s voice (standard announcements), voice Checklists (FO�s reading FCOM- based checks)
System emulation: PFD, ND, EIS2 ECAM upper display, EIS2 ECAM lower display, Multipurpose Control and Display Units (MCDU), Radio Management Panel (RMP), Management and Guidance Computers (FMGC), Electrical System, Hydraulic System, Braking System, Fuel System, FADEC, APU, Air conditioning/ventilation/pressurization System, Caution and Warning System, Ice and Rain Protection, Oxygen System, ISIS, DCDU(show metar info for DEP and ARR airports), STBY Compass, STBY VOR, Oxy masks test.
