Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Top 5 Reasons why you need to buy a SSD!

Top 5 Reasons why you need to buy a SSD!

SSD or Solid State Drives are lot like Pen Drives, that have been put on one circuitry. I say this because, unlike an HDD, it does not have a disk inside or any motors. Thats why its lighter and faster and does not emit a high level of heat. However, the engineering is a step ahead, and so is the performance.

Here are Top 5 Reasons why you should get an SSD of your own:

1. Hyper Speed: 
A typical SSD provides you 200 MB/s, thats 30% faster than any HDD. Since, it can access data way faster, an SSD makes loading and booting up faster. You might be amazed at how fast your Windows or any OS boots up once you install it in an SSD. Games installed in an SSD load faster too. 

2. Less Power Consumption, Less Noise, Less Heat:
Unless you are a PC enthusiast or gamer, you dont really care about how much power consumption matter. But to geeks, a few watts saved is a lot saved. Also heat is also an issue of concern. A SSD produces very little heat compared to conventional HDD. They are quieter too. Since there are no motors or moving parts, there is nothing that causes vibrations.

3. Unaffected by Magnets:
SSDs are immune to magnetic fields. So you dont have to feel nervous when putting your external SSD beside a speaker. You wont bother putting speakers neat your laptop either. You are protected from unseen alien magnetic fields too. Aliens are pesky. You should be safer than sorry.

4. Battery Backup and Less weight:
You are probably wondering how does SSD saves your PCs battery life. Well, it does, if your PC is a laptop. Laptops with SSDs will consume less power, thus provide more battery backup. Further more, since SSDs are lighter, it will cut down your Laptops weight. If you a laptop with 500 GB or 1 TB HDD, simply pull it out and put it in an enclosure. Use an SSD on your Laptop. You will find your laptop slightly lighter but a lot faster. Plus, you can use your old HDD when ever you need it. If you dont use your laptops DVD drive, you can install a secondary caddy for the previous HDD, if you dont mind the weight.

5. Its all the hype now! :
Your PC does not become an enthusiast grade or gaming PC, unless you have an SSD. It just doesnt. You dont have to buy a 512 GB one, which will cost you $350. Just get a 64, 80 or 120 GB one and install your OS and most played games on it. A small capacity SSD also makes lot of a difference. 

visit link download

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