Friday, March 16, 2018

Top 10 ways to make visitors stay on your site for longer time and also reducing bounce rate

Top 10 ways to make visitors stay on your site for longer time and also reducing bounce rate

     Bounce rate is nothing but how long time the visitors are staying on your website. you must and should  use the SEO friendly template then the visitors will stay for long time and read  your posts one after the other without leaving even single post.

If the bounce rate is low the chances of leaving website is low.In the same manner if the bounce is rate is high, then the chances of leaving your website is high.


Here I have listed out some solutions to reduce the Bounce rate
reduce bounce rate

1.Browser Comaptabilty

                Make your site to check the browser compatability, For Ex:If you are using the flash player in your blog/website  then the visitors web browser doesn�t have flash player then the visitor  leave the website with a lot of depression. When google shows your website next time then automatically visitors ignores it.

Choose widgets or any other features which are supported for all browsers.

2.Less loading time

     Don�t use the template which takes too much time for loading. Use the SEO friendly template. Now a days excellent technology is using  so they need it in very quick manner. The visitor will not having the patience to wait until your website is opened  so use less loading time.if you want to check the loading time of any website  then read the below post.

3.Add About Us Page

        So many visitors are leaving the visitors because they don�t know what the website is about.So I am advising you to add the About us page.

4.Quality Content

          Quality and content are the repeated words for every bloggers .I am advising you not to write lengthy posts. There is no restriction that your blog post must and should contain above 300 or 400 words .So maintain Quality first afterword�s check for Quantity.

5.Add Search Box

           You must and should add a search box because you are  updating your site daily so if they want previous days posts it is very difficult for them. If you add a custom search box then they will find your post and attract to your webpage.

6.Cut the advertisements as possible

      I am not telling that not to cut the entire advertisements. If you are adding ads make sure to make your template SEO friendly.

7.Dont Give External links

        You should not link to  the external links (other websites) then there is a chance of leaving your website. So Provides links to your blog posts.

8.Remove Pop up Windows

           Don�t show pop up boxes on your website like Facebook like Box because for slow internet connections it doesn�t   load completely and it doesn�t open your website too. So I  am advising you to remove the Pop Up windows to your blog/website.

9.Design your website neatly with excellent interface

              So many bloggers are not using the SEO friendly template, so i am advising you to use SEO friendly template. make your visitors to  attract your website by  the excellent design

10.Ask Reviews of your friends  

               Make your friends to visit your site and ask question as �did you find any chances to leave my website as quickly as possible�.

So  your friends will suggest you in the correct manner.

visit link download

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