Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thinix wifi Hotspot 2 0 Crack Activation key free download

Thinix wifi Hotspot 2 0 Crack Activation key free download

Thinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 Crack Activation key free
Thinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 Crack makes it possible to share your computer�s Internet connection with other devices. It works by creating a virtual hotspot using the wireless adapter in your Windows-based PC. Once the hotspot is setup you can share your PC�s connection with other computers, tablets, smartphones, and laptops.Thinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 License key has integrated sophisticated, yet intuitive security controls. These security controls allow you to more securely use the software to create a password protected hotspot. These security features are useful both in the home, on the road, or in a guest setting such as a meeting room or classroom.

Thinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 Features:

  • Simple user interface
  • Share paid service in a Hotel or Airport and save money
  • Customize the SSID and password of your WiFi Hotspot
    Built-in WPA2 encryption PIN code protection
  • Configure your own PIN code to prevent unauthorized changes
  • Optional automatic security key generation.
  • Use even when computer is not logged in with Thinix * Auto-Start Hotspot
  • Internet On/Off Mode � Create a local only hotspot without Internet access
  • 3G/4G/USB mode allows administrative users to share wireless devices connected by USB
  • Customize the SSID of your WiFi Hotspot
  • Built-in WPA2 Security
  • Easily customize the password of your WiFi Hotspot.
  • Share your connection with up to 100 users.
Thinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 Crack Activation key freeThinix wifi Hotspot 2.0 Crack Activation key
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