The Next Bat Detecting System To Be Reviewed The New SM3BAT!
Im happy to announce, that the very next bat recording system to be reviewed here, will be The New SM3BAT from Wildlife Acoustics!

The Third generation, of their Song Meter Platform. This is not just an improved version of their (extremely successful) SM2BAT+... No, Sir/Madame: The changes are simply amazing!
The system has basically been re-built, from the ground up. Those of you who are already familiar with The SM2+, will immediately see what Im referring to, by visiting the new Link to the SM3BAT - There, youll see what their technological wizardry has produced.
In a nutshell, there are some new and improved sound recording devices shipping from Wildlife Acoustics this week...Much more to follow!
You can also check-out / download the new User Manual Here.
Happy bat detecting!

The Third generation, of their Song Meter Platform. This is not just an improved version of their (extremely successful) SM2BAT+... No, Sir/Madame: The changes are simply amazing!
The system has basically been re-built, from the ground up. Those of you who are already familiar with The SM2+, will immediately see what Im referring to, by visiting the new Link to the SM3BAT - There, youll see what their technological wizardry has produced.
In a nutshell, there are some new and improved sound recording devices shipping from Wildlife Acoustics this week...Much more to follow!
You can also check-out / download the new User Manual Here.
Happy bat detecting!