Saturday, March 24, 2018

The File path to app exe is not Maked as Executable

The File path to app exe is not Maked as Executable

Adakalanya, tidak semua file .exe bisa dibuka di Linux menggunakan Wine.  Berikut adalah salah satu pesan Error yang sering muncul:
�The file �/lokasi/file/executable.exe� is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.�
Solusinya sangat sederhana:
  1. Klik kanan pada file .exe yang ingin Anda jalankan, lalu pilih Properties;
  2. Klik tab Permissions, lalu beri centang pada Allow executing file as program
    {image: .exe Properties}
    .exe Properties
Kini, aplikasi Anda sudah bisa dijalankan dengan double click ;)


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