The Brand New UltraSoundGate 116Hnm From Avisoft Bioacoustics
Im very happy to report, that Ive been given the opportunity to test and review the very latest ultrasonic device from Avisoft Bioacoustics - UltraSoundGate 116Hnm
The unit arrived earlier today. Wow! The device is ultra-compact, and very cool-looking! Ive already finished reviewing all of the currently available documentation for it - This device will be serious competition for the other micro-sized, high-tech, super detectors on the horizon...
There will also be an even smaller, Black Edition (Bk): Which will feature sampling rates of 750, 500, and 375 kHz - Amazing! The only other bat recording device that I can think of, featuring such a high sample rate is the Pettersson D1000X (at 768 kHz).
Im looking forward to reviewing it!
Happy bat detecting!