The Blue Team Myth
The 2015 M-Trends Report states that the median number of days that threat groups were present in a victims network before detection was 205 days, which is down 24 days from 2013. But thats the median number of days...the longest persistence was 2,982 days. Thats over 8 years. The report also states that 69% of organizations were informed of the breach by an external entity.
The 2015 TrustWave Global Security Report indicates that 81% of companies did not detect breaches on their own, and that the median length of time it took to detect a breach was 86 days.
What do these numbers tell us? They tell us that the organizations in question did not detect the breaches, but when they called in consultants to assist, those consultants found evidence of the breaches that allowed them to identify for how long (to a point, of course) that the intruders had persisted within the infrastructure. Im going to go out on a limb here and just say that I recognize that the consultants may not have been able to trace the breach information back to the initial infection vector (IIV) in every case, so the numbers in the report are likely just a little fuzzy.
What the numbers tell us is that the consultants, based on their combined experience, knowledge, and methodologies, were able to find indicators and artifacts that others did not. This means that the local IT staff either wasnt looking, or didnt have a complete understanding of what to look for.
The numbers in the reports are supported by my own experiences, as well as those of a myriad of other responders. A while back, I worked on an engagement during which we were able to trace the adversarys activities back to the original phishing email and attached weaponized PDF. The emails had been received 21 months before we had been called. Ive done analysis on breaches where indicators went back two years or more, and we were never able to track down the IIV.
The numbers also tell us that the adage that attackers need to be right 1 out of 100 times and defenders need to be right 100 out of 100 times doesnt hold, and that its a myth. What artifacts did the consultants who provided input to the reports find, and could administrators of the compromised infrastructure have found those artifacts, as well, if theyd been looking? Based on my own personal experiences, I would say that the answer is a definite yes.
By now, we are all well aware that prevention doesnt work, that regardless of how many technical measures we put in place, that as long as people are involved in some way, at some point someone will make their way into an infrastructure. So what we need to do is include detection and response; put our protection mechanisms in place, monitor them, look/hunt for issues throughout our infrastructure, and be ready to take some sort of action when issues are found.
In my previous blog post, I shared some thoughts on hunting, in short, describing, in general terms, what folks can look for within their environments. One person commented (via Twitter) that I should spend less time talking about it, and more time listing those artifacts that hunters should look for.
So what should you look for? Check out this video of Lees presentation...he shares a lot of great information. Much like the information here, or in any of the HowTo blog posts from July, 2013. Thats a start. Eventmap.txt has some interesting tips, as do many RegRipper plugins. Want more? Take a hard look at your threat intelligence...if youre getting it from a vendor, does it give you what you need? How about the threat intel youre developing internally? Similarly, does it meet your needs? MD5 hashes and IP addresses arent going to get you as far as TTPs, if you have the processes and methodologies to find those TTPs.