Thursday, March 22, 2018

The BatLure And Other Soon To Be Posted Reviews

The BatLure And Other Soon To Be Posted Reviews

Im excited to share, some of the reviews which will be coming-up very soon! Each of these topics are relevant right now - And, I want to inform everyone of them ASAP!

Listed in the order in which I plan for them to be posted:
  • The SM3BAT from Wildlife Acoustics Part 2 of 2
  • Elekons updates to The Batlogger M firmware and BatExplorer software
  • Review of The BatLure  

The BatLure from Apodemus
Here is something else, Ive just learned of - Which is very interesting: 
Another Stereo Bat Recorder is in progress. Check-out this Web Page for some more information.

Happy bat detecting!

visit link download