Test Your Broadband Speed The Best Site
1. Intel Broadband Speed Test
I never expect theres speed test in Intel Company site. Say goodbye to dial-up-broadband Internet access. Upgrade your online experience for a high-speed pipeline to fantastic entertainment and online services, including movies, music, gaming, and a whole lot more.
2. Speedtest.net
The most sophisticated broadband testing and analysis tools into the hands of anyone interested in finding out just how connected they actually are. This free service from Ookla opens hundreds of testing locations around the world to anyone curious about the performance of their Internet connection.
3. ZDNet Broadband Speed Test
ZDNets Broadband Speed Test measures the data throughput between a computer and a geographic distributed network of servers to calculate how fast broadband speeds are in the real world. The results are not an indication of the actual line speed between the user and the ISP. There are many external factors such as network congestion and routing between multiple networks that can affect individual results, which means the broadband speed test does not necessarily warrant 100% accuracy.
4. TestMy.net
Simple, to make sure youre getting what you pay for. This speed test is useful if you feel a connection slow down or want to see how your Internet is performing. This isnt like any other broadband speed test.
5. BandwidthPlace Speedtest
The Bandwidthplace speed test is designed with HTML5 technology - allowing you to test your broadband speed on a wide variety of devices without having to have Flash installed. Easily test your Internet Speed on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device