Add menu bar to your BlogSpot in simplest way without coding
We will try to create a menu bar like this.

- At first log in to your BlogSpot (it is applicable for new blogger dashboard). Click on your Postsor Your Blog.

2. Click on pages.

3. Click on the dropdown button on New page. You will get two options there.

Blank page: Here you can write directly to the page for your menu bar.
Web Address: Enter your name and page link of your menu bar here. That will show on your blog and it will forward you to that link by clicking on it. You can enter the address of any other websites also.

4. Here you can set where your menu bar will be shown. Click on the dropdown of Show page as, you will get three options there. Decorate it as you like.

5. You can drag and drop the layout on any place by clicking on Layout. Click on Edit to place the menu anywhere on menu bar.