Top Hacking techniques for Website Hacking and Account Hacking

Hacking Techniques : There are so many different techniques of Hacking. Now we will discuss about some basic Hacking methods .Normally we can divide it in two types ,like - Website Hacking & Account Hacking.But those are connected with each other .Different types of Hacking Methods & Short Description are given below...
Website Hacking :

DDoS : Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack .This technique is used for Overload the server and prevent users from using it.

SQL Injection : This is a very big fault on SQL database of any site ,hackers uses this technique for retrieving valuable information from it & also they can make changes on database.

DNN : Dot Net Nuke is Microsoft .NET s Open Source Web CMS(Content Manage System).If any website are made by using this software ,then any kind of error is harmful for the site, hackers can easily Upload and deface contents on the site.

XSS : Cross-Site Scripting is a kind of Computer System Fault available in Web Applications ,Hackers can also hack by using this.
IIS : Internet Information Server is a Web server Application .Any type of fault in this application is very helpful for hackers to deface websites.

RFI : Remote File Inclusion is also a fault of Websites .By using this error ,hackers Include Remote file by scripts On Web Server.
LFI : Local File Inclusion is a same fault like RFI.
Account Hacking :

Phising : In this technique Hackers creates a same page like login page and tell victim to login and if victims login into the fake page, then the Hacker got his username and password.

Brute Force : This is a very cheap method ,Hackers uses many type guess Combinations to get the accurate password.
Others :

RAT : Remote Administrative Tools ,its an very dangerous for the victim because using this method Hackers can remotely operate your computer.
If you want be A Good Hacker ,then youve to learn each and every methods ,but slowly slowly,well discuss about all methods...