Friday, February 16, 2018

Top 5 Sites To Download Software Of Any Category

Top 5 Sites To Download Software Of Any Category

Top Free Software Download Sites

1. Download Crew

free software download sites
Downloadcrew is one of the most renowned free software download sites and it�s my personal favorite too, no doubt. It offers description with price (when applicable), editors reviews and quick verdict for each available software as well as lists of editors and users recommendations before you make a decision on whether you want to download and test the application on your computer. Plus it offers great deals with huge discounts and free limited time offers of paid software on a very regular basis.

2. CNET � Download

At CNET you will probably find the most complete information online about any piece of software, paid and free. The amount of available information is just huge, it offers quick and full specifications, editors and users ratings, editors and users reviews, publisher�s Description and price (when applicable) with �buy now� links for every single available software.

3. Softpedia

Software + Encyclopedia = Softpedia� genious! Softpedia offers huge amounts of software, free and paid, for all kinds of platforms. It offers user ratings, description, key features, limitations, requirements, changelog and price for every piece of listed software.

4. FilleHippo

FilleHippo is all about free software and it likes boxes, everything is inside a little category box. The clean interface of the site makes it favorite for everyone and on top spots wherever there�s a list of free software download sites. It offers description, technical, change log and old versions information for each listed software. Interesting feature of filehippo is that you can see the archive of older versions of every software that you want to download. You also track the updates of software installed in your system through the free Software update checker utility from filehippo.

5. SourceForge

One of the most popular sources to get open source applications on the web.  At SourceForge you get to find thousands of applications that you might not see on other software download sites. You can find the biggest collection of educational software, complex programming software, application and manufacturing software and all sorts of business and project management software as well.
So which site do you like the most and use? Feel free to join the conversation by dropping some lines below.

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