More Massachusetts tuneage for you, only these lads werent from Boston, rather a little further west in Northampton. What few references that exist online regarding The Elevators invariably attach the new wave tag to this quintet, but power pop is more applicable. Adopting the more gimmicky attributes of The Cars and Cheap Trick, its pretty clear a few songs into Frontline that the Elevators are not cut from austere cloth. Theres something cheeky afoot on this record, but a more ironic angle would have made this one stick out a little more. Lines like "Love is like wearing a rayon shirt/making me itch and making me sweat" are about as deep as these folks get. Frontline doesnt offer much in the way of knockouts, but fortunately its a record that will capably stimulate fans of Tommy Tutone, The As and the Clocks.
01. Frontline 02. Girlfriends Girlfriend 03. Stop the World 04. Stickball Kids 05. Lie Detector 06. Dont Let me Die 07. Tropical Fish 08. Lies 09. Johnny 10. Friends 11. On the Wire
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