Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Add Floating Social Share Buttons Gadget to Blogger Blog

Add Floating Social Share Buttons Gadget to Blogger Blog

Social Share Gadget is really helpful to us. Which helps us to increase the traffic of our blog. You thought why your blogs traffic is not increasing because you have not added social share buttons in your blog. Today I am come with floating social share widget for blogger blog. See how to add this gadget in blogger blog.

In this social share gadget, top social networking profiles are added like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google also. This Gadget is very popular among bloggers because it has many features and it floats with scroll bar.

You provide quality content in your blog and when see your post counts you will get wondered by seeing low post counts because you have not added any share widget in your blogger blog or in your blog post.

When you add this gadget in your blogger blog, your readers will share your posts and you will get more and more traffic day by day because this widget increase chances to get more shares from your readers.

To add this amazing gadget in blogger blog is very easy. For live demo of these social share buttons, check out the left side of our blog. You will found this gadget in the left side of blog which is showing in the image.

Adding Sharing Gadget:
If you love this gadget and want to add in blogger, just follow below easy steps to add gadget in blogger blog.
  • Go to your blogger dashboard and select blog in which you want to add social subscribe buttons.
  • Go To Template section and click on Edit HTML.
  • Always Backup your template before you want to change your template.
  • Now Press Ctrl+F to search and search for

  • Now paste the below code just after/below it.

  • Now click on Save template button.
  • You are done! Enjoy this gadget.
  1. Replace kbtricks with your twitter username.

Note: If you feel that Facebook like button is not working properly then add below code just after/below .

If you have any kind of problem about this article, feel free to tell us by comments. Also Share it with your friends. Also Subscribe Us.

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