A2A Accu Feel v 2 091 Update Available
NOTE: Accu-Feel and Accu-Sim are two entirely different products.
This update is NOT for Accu-Feel Version 2, Air Land and Sea

Here is an update to Accu-Feel that should address all reported issues with turbulence on some aircraft. We release updates in stages. First beta, second public beta, then official. This is a public beta:
v.2.09 to v.2.091:
- Water drag slider works with AUTO WAVES ON or OFF
v.2.0 to v.2.09:
- Fixed bug that was causing overly strong turbulence on some aircraft. Was feeding into main system and creating a loop.
- Turbulence wind sound increased
- 25% increase in global default turbulence strength
- Global turbulence wind volume slider added
- Fixed bug in IAS VnE buffetting
Just run the installer over any Accu-Feel v.2.0 installation.

This update is NOT for Accu-Feel Version 2, Air Land and Sea

Here is an update to Accu-Feel that should address all reported issues with turbulence on some aircraft. We release updates in stages. First beta, second public beta, then official. This is a public beta:
v.2.09 to v.2.091:
- Water drag slider works with AUTO WAVES ON or OFF
v.2.0 to v.2.09:
- Fixed bug that was causing overly strong turbulence on some aircraft. Was feeding into main system and creating a loop.
- Turbulence wind sound increased
- 25% increase in global default turbulence strength
- Global turbulence wind volume slider added
- Fixed bug in IAS VnE buffetting
Just run the installer over any Accu-Feel v.2.0 installation.